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Accountants discussing EBIT and EBITDA

EBIT and EBITDA Explained

The abbreviations EBIT and EBITDA are commonly used by financial analysts when looking at business performance. These metrics can also help small business owners and investors, so here we’ll explain what they are and how they are calculated.

federal budget 2020

Federal Budget 2021: What’s In It for Business?

SMEs are being called the winners of the Federal Budget, which aims to boost confidence, help businesses grow, and increase employment. Several measures are an extension of those introduced in the budget released in October 2020. Most of the benefits to businesses will come through tax relief, while SMEs can also benefit from targeted support, technological advancement initiatives and measures to enlarge their share of government procurement. Here’s a roundup of how the budget will impact SMEs and support economic recovery.

Business woman at a desk considering her cash flow

Cash Flow: What It Is and How to Improve It

Cash flow (sometimes spelled cashflow) is the amount of money (cash) or cash equivalents that move in and out of business. In other words, it’s the increase or the decrease of the amount of cash held by a business. Cash flow (CF) is a factor that people use to determine the viability of a business. If a company can generate positive CF on a regular basis, it’s beneficial for long-term success. On the other hand, businesses experiencing ongoing cash flow shortages are at risk of failure.

business associates discussing operating expenses

What Are Operating Expenses?

An operating expense is a cost that a business incurs through its regular business operations to meet day-to-day expenses. In accounting terms, the abbreviation OPEX (or OpEx) is widely used to refer to operating expenses.

small business finance

Small Business Finance: A Short Guide from Moula

Small business finance can be a crucial step to grow your business. However, it could be challenging to understand the range of business funding available and which one is most suitable for you. Here we’ll examine some of the most common forms of small business finance.

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