Business apps have become a lot more common and capable now than ever before, so much so that productivity related applications have overtaken the gaming or entertainment apps in most markets. Here are a few apps that will make your everyday work much easier and less stressful:

Top five apps for small businesses:


Evernote is an app that records and remembers everything. If you are travelling, reading or in the middle of a meeting and suddenly have a thought or an idea, you can make note of and save using this app. Voice messages, photos, text, anything goes, it is growing fast in terms of features and you definitely need it if your constantly taking notes (and maybe a bit forgetful!).


As a business owner, it may not possible or cost effective to have a person appointed just to make sure your travel plans are in place. Tripit is made just for those who need to create complicated itineraries. Need to catch two planes, book a hotel and a rented car to take you there? Get Tripit.


Task assigning and creating is one of the most time consuming, yet important, day-to-day activities in a small business. If you find the early part of every work day getting lost because of work assigning and catching up on the previous day’s tasks, the Producteev can help you bring all of them together in one place, including calendar and email.

Dropbox, Google Drive & OneDrive

Are you on the cloud yet? If not, do it right away and reap the benefits of online storage and accessibility options that off-line servers cannot match. These are just some of many cloud storage options going around the Net now:


InDinero is a budgeting and cashflow management application that helps keep track of where and to whom your payments are going. Sync your business accounts and credit cards and create statements and reports with the resulting metrics.

Adding business apps into your daily work routine can really help ease stress and maximise workflow efficiency. These applications are just a few of what you can find and use in your day-to-day activities.


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